The End of Haitus
It's been 8 years since I last posted here. I was even surprise with the changes in the dashboard and the overall look, nevertheless, I am excited to be back. For a quick update. I returned to university twenty-one years after graduating from college. As much as I like studying and learning new things, there are times that school homework seems too much to bear. And when the school works and my the workload clash, I feel so tired, and I at that moment, I can't help asking myself. "Why go back to school when you already have a degree?"
People change trends changes. Now, even the way we communicate and technology continue to evolve, and if we don't equip ourselves and start embracing these changes in the world, depression will hit us before we know it. I am always grateful for the oportunity to learn whether it be a formal or informal, the important thing is that we never stop learning. I'm grateful for my teacher who gave me this assignment to write again. As Anthony J. D’Angelo said "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." Let's keep growing!


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